It was on May 4, 2013 when we received the metal gospel book, a day before Easter.

These two censers (one is for the Holy Martyr St. Eleftherios - Gubat, Sorsogon and the other is for the mission) and a box of charcoal just arrived last September 16, 2013. These all came from a person we have not yet met personally.  These packages are all from Larnaca, Cyprus. 

Epharisto! Thank you very much!

Because of this, we are opening the opportunities and chances for all Orthodox faithful anywhere in the world, who are interested and could be potential donors for our church here.  Herewith is the list of religious items that we need.  You may choose any item/s listed that you believe you can afford to donate:

1.    icons and icon stands
2.    baptismal font
3.    office equipment
4.    big candle stand or candelabra
5.    episcopal throne
6.    book stands
7.    chandelier
8.    lamp-stand (two pairs)
9.    set of aer and kalimata
10.  set of chalice with paten, lance, spoon, asterisk
11.  blessing cross
12.  Holy Cross and the Exapteryga
13.  zeon
14.  lantern or torches
15.  altar table mantles
16.  iconostasis curtains
17.  etc.

However, the best and most glorious help that we can have of course is the permanent land and church for our community.  Our community is already seven years.  It is about time for us to settle in permanent established place.

So any manner, kind, amount, way and means of help possible will have much value for us.  LORD HAVE MERCY.

For those interested party and for more details, please e-mail us at: rhs_chrysostom@yahoo.com


Confession of sins is very much a part of Biblical Christianity,
and was closely related to the worship of the True God.